An Implementation of Quality Minus Junk

David Kane, Ryan Kwon, Anthoney Tsou
May 29, 2015

What is Quality?

Characteristics that an investor should be willing to pay extra for

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How is Quality Measured?

\[ \frac{P}{B} = \frac{\text{profitability} * \text{payouts}}{\text{required return} - \text{growth}} \]





The Quality Minus Junk Strategy

Short low-quality (junk) stocks

Go long high-quality stocks

Results in high risk-adjusted returns

Example Quality Measurements

keep_quality <- c("ticker", "profitability", "growth", "safety", "payouts", "quality")
head(quality[keep_quality], n = 10)
   ticker profitability      growth      safety    payouts   quality
1    ANGI    -0.1575365 24.55764246 -0.89076389 -1.8699982 21.639344
2    SBCF    -0.9552288 21.17749195  0.23623565 -1.0820805 19.376418
3    UHAL    -0.3350943 19.25596295 -0.16064717 -1.9855567 16.774665
4    GUID     0.2245725 13.61798234  0.09569998 -1.5591484 12.379106
5     BRO     0.1484205 -0.04063592 11.76587071  0.2254432 12.099098
6    CFFN     5.7540587 -0.04904148  5.73770806  0.2292110 11.671936
7    UTMD    -3.3070925 16.48412446 -1.72466975  0.1363612 11.588723
8    CENX    -0.1912805  3.43982232  6.17675052 -0.1956603  9.229632
9     CXW    -0.3283571  3.22020489  4.10097444  0.1910389  7.183861
10    RSE     3.6209141  0.04701919  1.88766753  0.9855644  6.541165

Let's Take a Look at ANGI

Observe change in NI, GPROF, GPROF relative to TA, NI relative to TA over time

angi_financials <- filter(financials, ticker == "ANGI")
keep_fin <- c("year","NI", "GPROF", "TA")
  year     NI  GPROF     TA
1 2011 -49.04  73.63 111.40
2 2012 -52.89 128.72  96.23
3 2013 -32.99 205.57 105.64
4 2014 -12.07 262.25 154.54

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Filtering Companies with Excessively High Singular Components

  ticker profitability   growth     safety   payouts  quality
1   ANGI    -0.1575365 24.55764 -0.8907639 -1.869998 21.63934
head(filter_companies(quality, "growth")[keep_quality], n = 10)
   ticker profitability       growth     safety    payouts   quality
5     BRO     0.1484205 -0.040635919 11.7658707  0.2254432 12.099098
6    CFFN     5.7540587 -0.049041480  5.7377081  0.2292110 11.671936
8    CENX    -0.1912805  3.439822322  6.1767505 -0.1956603  9.229632
9     CXW    -0.3283571  3.220204886  4.1009744  0.1910389  7.183861
10    RSE     3.6209141  0.047019195  1.8876675  0.9855644  6.541165
11   PDCO    -0.7411908 -0.052962782  0.1659304  6.7805708  6.152348
12   MTSC    -0.2509800  2.281272629  3.9553538  0.1548377  6.140484
13    CYS     1.8326580 -0.040161679  3.2979754  0.8379886  5.928460
14    HZO     2.7058184 -0.010954666  1.1415603  1.5434407  5.379865
15    PFG     0.6628262 -0.009983522  4.3283077  0.1303343  5.111485

Customizing Data

# sample_companies <- companies[c(71, 80, 100, 202),]
sample_companies <- data.frame(ticker = c("AFFX", "AGIO", "AIRM", "ARG"), name = rep("_", 4))
raw_info <- get_info(sample_companies)
raw_prices <- get_prices(sample_companies)
custom_financials <- tidyinfo(raw_info)
custom_prices <- tidy_prices(raw_prices)
market_data(sample_companies, custom_financials, custom_prices)[keep_quality]
  ticker profitability     growth       safety    payouts    quality
1   AIRM    0.82518428  1.1491124  0.008294749  0.8367818  2.8193732
2    ARG    0.58935581 -1.1100242  1.353540616  0.2005718  1.0334440
3   AFFX   -0.01039531  0.4530143 -0.334102735  0.4090937  0.5176099
4   AGIO   -1.40414478 -0.4921025 -1.027732631 -1.4464472 -4.3704271

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Contact Info:

David Kane-

Ryan Kwon-

Anthoney Tsou-