Spread, upfront, and default probability.
Exposure measurements.
Real time data and other supportive layers.
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Access to creditr from GitHub
## not run library(devtools) install_github("yuanchu/creditr") library(creditr)
S4 design: CDS class
library(creditr) x <- CDS(date = as.Date("2014-05-07"), tenor = 5, spread = 50, coupon = 100) slotNames(x)
## [1] "name" "contract" "RED" "date" "spread" ## [6] "maturity" "tenor" "coupon" "recovery" "currency" ## [11] "notional" "principal" "accrual" "pd" "price" ## [16] "upfront" "spread.DV01" "IR.DV01" "rec.risk.01"
Spread, upfront, and default probability.
Exposure measurements.
Real time data and other supportive layers.
spread.to.upfront(data.frame(date = Sys.Date(), spread = 160, tenor = 5, recovery = 0.4, coupon = 100, currency = "USD"))
## [1] 259021
upfront.to.spread(data.frame(date = Sys.Date(), upfront = 1000000, tenor = 5, recovery = 0.4, coupon = 100, currency = "USD"))
## [1] 335.7157
spread.to.pd(data.frame(date = Sys.Date(), spread = 160, tenor = 5, recovery = 0.4, currency = "USD"))
## [1] 0.1279975
pd.to.spread(data.frame(date = Sys.Date(), pd = 0.1, tenor = 5, recovery = 0.4, currency = "USD"))
## [1] 123.0821
# calculates the change in upfront value when the spread rises # by 1 basis point. x <- data.frame(date = as.Date(c("2014-04-22", "2014-04-22")), currency = c("USD", "EUR"), tenor = c(5, 5), spread = c(120, 110), coupon = c(100, 100), recovery = c(0.4, 0.4), notional = c(1e7, 1e7)) spread.DV01(x)
## [1] 4768.084 4878.017
# calculates the change in upfront value when the spread rises 10% CS10(x)
## [1] 56952.65 53430.42
# calculate the change in upfront when there is a 1 basis point # increase in interest rate IR.DV01(x)
## [1] -25.15333 -12.85976
# calculates the amount of change in upfront when there is a 1% # increase in recovery rate rec.risk.01(x)
## [1] -82.18602 -38.82727
Dates and conventions.
Yield curves download from Markit and FRED
am new to R
just want a result from a beautiful interface?
want a play toy when reading a introduction paper of CDS?
Yuanchu Dang
Zijie Zhu