Wednesday, May 27, 2015

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CDS Basics

CDS Basics

General Introduction to creditr

Access to creditr from GitHub

## not run

General Introduction to creditr

S4 design: CDS class

x <- CDS(date   = as.Date("2014-05-07"),
         tenor  = 5,
         spread = 50,
         coupon = 100)
##  [1] "name"        "contract"    "RED"         "date"        "spread"     
##  [6] "maturity"    "tenor"       "coupon"      "recovery"    "currency"   
## [11] "notional"    "principal"   "accrual"     "pd"          "price"      
## [16] "upfront"     "spread.DV01" "IR.DV01"     "rec.risk.01"

Main Functionalities

  • Spread, upfront, and default probability.

  • Exposure measurements.

  • Real time data and other supportive layers.

Spread, upfront and default probability

\(\)     = Sys.Date(),
                             spread   = 160,
                             tenor    = 5,
                             recovery = 0.4,
                             coupon   = 100,
                             currency = "USD"))
## [1] 259021

Spread, upfront and default probability

\(\)     = Sys.Date(),
                             upfront  = 1000000,
                             tenor    = 5,
                             recovery = 0.4,
                             coupon   = 100,
                             currency = "USD"))
## [1] 335.7157

Spread, upfront and default probability

\(\)     = Sys.Date(),
                        spread   = 160,
                        tenor    = 5,
                        recovery = 0.4, 
                        currency = "USD"))
## [1] 0.1279975

Spread, upfront and default probability

\(\)     = Sys.Date(),
                        pd       = 0.1,
                        tenor    = 5,
                        recovery = 0.4, 
                        currency = "USD"))
## [1] 123.0821

Sensitivity to change in spread


# calculates the change in upfront value when the spread rises
# by 1 basis point.

x <- data.frame(date     = as.Date(c("2014-04-22", "2014-04-22")),
                currency = c("USD", "EUR"),
                tenor    = c(5, 5),
                spread   = c(120, 110),
                coupon   = c(100, 100),
                recovery = c(0.4, 0.4),
                notional = c(1e7, 1e7))

## [1] 4768.084 4878.017

Sensitivity to change in spread


# calculates the change in upfront value when the spread rises 10%

## [1] 56952.65 53430.42

Exposure to interest rate


# calculate the change in upfront when there is a 1 basis point
# increase in interest rate

## [1] -25.15333 -12.85976

Exposure to recovery rate


# calculates the amount of change in upfront when there is a 1%
# increase in recovery rate

## [1] -82.18602 -38.82727

Real time data

  • Dates and conventions.

  • Yield curves download from Markit and FRED


Functions are awesome for quants, but what if I …

  • am new to R?

  • just want a result from a beautiful interface?

  • want a play toy when reading a introduction paper of CDS?

Bloomberg Terminal

Terminology is intimidating! And it's not free!

Bloomberg Details - Deal Section

Bloomberg Details - Calculator Section

Bloomberg Details - Market Section

Markit Calculator

Free and more accessible

Markit Details - Contract Section

Markit Details - Calculator Section

Markit Details - Credit Curve Section

Markit Details - Yield Curve Section

Creditr with Shiny!

Creditr with Shiny!

Creditr with Shiny!

Creditr with Shiny!

More Visualization to Come…

  • Term Structure:

More Visualization to Come…

  • Rates Curve:

More Visualization to Come…

  • Cash Flow Diagram:

Thank you!