PDQ ATS research system

  • Users new to R
  • Mostly TAQ level II data
  • Running in Amazon EC2
  • Research focused on transaction costs

Support diverse exploratory research programs…

…involving all tickers over days to months or so…

…lightweight software footprint, easy to use

You know how this goes

  • Some data, maybe a lot of data
  • Maybe a database
  • Complicated modeling and research; need R or Python to be productive
  • Then, maybe throw even more analysis tools into the mix
  • You find yourself adding more computing horsepower
  • Before you know it, you end up with…

Eventually, some of those arrows connect to R


Databases a great at managing mutable data

Append-only data are much simpler to work with

Elastic computing with R and Redis on Amazon EC2

Amazon EC2 Recipe

  1. Instantiate a Linux image
  2. Install R and desired packages, including doRedis
  3. Run the doRedis service installer script
  4. Make an AMI from this instance
  5. Re-launch from AMI as needed, supplying config as EC2 user data